Friday, 4 August 2017

The People's Manifesto

Welcome to the People's Parliament website.

The aim of this site is to change the way we do politics not only in Britain by eventually the world.

The old 'traditional' style of politics is almost 400 years old with citizens of this country represented by MP's, MEP's and Councillors as the logistics of everyone in the country or constituency having their say and vote has always been impossible....until now!!

The internet and modern social media have placed access to these far off institutions at our fingertips for the first time in history - Yet the parliamentary parties have not adopted or accepted fully that social democracy has now changed, not only the way but moreover how we approach politics in the 21st century.

This lack of transparency and consultation has left the electorate angry, frustrated and rebellious, as we have seen in the unexpected referendum vote on Europe and also in America, the election of a ''celebrity' politician to the most powerful political position in the world.

We believe that the future of politics is direct involvement and participation by The People with our representatives supporting and putting forward their constituents views and ideas and not a minority of 'inner circle' elitists, who wish to enforce power over the majority - who ultimately change the laws and the Constitution, for the benefit of a few and not all the citizens.

To this end, we have assembled our Manifesto, Of the People, For the People and most importantly By the People.

The People's Manifesto's policies are currently open for review and RATING of the Policies rather than the old fashioned - For or Against - as all ideas have their merits and over time usually come back into favour with the public and changes in circumstances. The subsequent popular policies (those with more than 50% support) will be published in September in a printed formation of The People's Manifesto for that year (starting in 2017).  At this stage, we will add to the website for NEW POLICIES and AMENDMENTS that have been submitted up to September.

These new policies will then publish separately to the existing current policies and citizens can vote either FOR or AGAINST adding these policies to the Manifesto in Following January, where the RATING will start a fresh followed by publishing again in September 2018 and again after that. Also, in September we will collate all the financial expenditure connect with the qualified policies to produce a Budget for the October budget announcement.

It is hoped that this new form of People's Democracy will gain favour with our citizens that they will wish to abandon the old-fashioned party system in favour of voting for the People's Manifesto in future general elections by electing parliamentary candidates who are party independent - but support the existing manifesto.  To this end, we are accepting candidates who would like to run as candidates in the next general election supporting 'The People's Manifesto' - if you are interested then look for the information page on the left of this message.

We hope you support this new concept in politics by buying our Year Book every September and crowd funding and vote for you own local candidate at the next general election.

NB. As the General Election has been brought forward by two years - we will publish the 2017 publication will be published in June 2017 and new policies and amendments will be open to being submitted from July - Dec 2017 and Voted upon in 2018. 

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Headline Policy Summaries



The People's Manifesto Book

Become our Candidate

Crowdfunding your Election

New Policy Submission

List of Policy Areas

1. Home Office incl. Devolution

2. Education Policy

3. Health & Social Care

4. Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

5. Economic & Treasury

6. Justice (Law & Order)

7. Defence

8. Communities and Local Government

9. Culture, Media and Sport

10. Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs

11. Foreign and Commonwealth Office

12. Transport

13. Work & Pensions

14. European Union